早餐 07:30 - 13:30 (最后入场时间为 12:30)
* 不供应午餐或晚餐
早餐 : 成人 65,000韩元 / 儿童 32,500韩元
* 初中生以上适用成人价格
* 儿童:49个月~小学生
* 48个月以下免费
Address: 432, Sumogwon-ro, Sang-myeon, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do
Nestled against the backdrop of the superb natural scenery of Chungnyeongsan Mountain, The Garden of Morning Calm is a horticultural arboretum designed by harmonizing horticultural understanding with gardens embracing the natural beauty of Korea. The arboretum has several distinctive gardens and provides a shelter for city dwellers to enjoy forest bathing under a dense pine forest.
Address: 289-146, Chugnyeong-ro, Haenghyeon-ri, Sang-myeon, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do (San 92-1)
This arboretum has the largest distribution of Korean pine trees that are over 80 years old in Korea. It is a special forest recreation space where you can have a pleasant forest experience and a forest therapy program in pine forest abundant with phytoncide.
Address: 226-57, Darakjae-ro, Seorak-myeon, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do
A park created in the theme of a small village festival in Switzerland, Edelweiss reproduces the beautiful forests and villages of Switzerland and the smiles of warm and friendly people. In the beautiful natural environment of Gapyeong, Gyeonggi-do, this theme park features Swiss-style architecture and various themed spaces.
Address: 1063. Hoban-ro, Cheongpyeong-myeon, Gyeonggi
This French-inspired venue offers a variety of events throughout the park, including music concerts, exhibitions, crafting experiences and fun play events.
Address: 1, Namiseom-gil, Namsan-myeon, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do
Naminara Republic is a special tourist destination that adopts the concept of a nation built on Nami Island and has its own diplomatic and cultural policies. It is the only imaginary republic in the world that presents beautiful fairy tales and songs to tourists from all over the world.
Address: 79-53, Yumyeongsan-gil, Seorak-myeon, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do
The road that runs along Cheongpyeong Lake past Cheongpyeong Dam is the best drive course in the forest. Besides, you can enjoy the mood of going to hometown on the way from any location in Seorak-myeon to the natural recreation forest.
Address: 14, Jangteo-gil, Gapyeong-eup, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do
The Gyeongchun Line Rail Bike, which carries memories and romance, is a facility made by remodeling the Gyeongchun Line trains that has been running for over 70 years. Three courses are prepared in different concepts: Kim Yu-jeong Rail Bike, Gyeonggang Rail Bike, and Gapyeong Rail Bike.
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2025년 3월 1일, 보유하신 RIM은 모두 소멸되며
님의 2025년 3월 예상 등급은
* 정기 승급은 최근 1년(2024년 3월 ~ 2025년 2월)간 적립된 RIM을 기준으로 결정됩니다.
* RIM 적립 기준 안내
객실/골프 : 체크아웃 후 익일 적립 | 큐브 : 이용 완료 후 익일 적립 | 온라인몰 : 배송 완료 후 구매 확정 즉시 적립
2024년 1월 1일부터
아난티 힐튼 부산과 아난티 앳 부산이
새로운 이름으로 출발합니다.
아난티 컬처클럽 숙박권 교환 RIM이
2024년 3월 31일까지 미사용 시
자동 소멸됩니다.
✔ RIM 소멸일 : 2024년 3월 31일, 23시 59분
✔ RIM 소멸일 내 호텔 무료 숙박권 교환 가능
(대상자에 한함)
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아난티에서 진행하는 다양한 이벤트 및
혜택을 드릴 수 있습니다.
이터널저니 온라인몰 20% 할인
테이스티저니 1회 무료 제공
웰컴 드링크 2잔 (레스토랑 이용 시)
마케팅 수신 동의(선택)
*마케팅 수신 동의 최초 1회에 한하여 제공
*수신 동의 거부 후 재동의 시 혜택 제외