
Ananti Privacy Policy

In addition to Ananti Co., Ltd., Ananti Cove Co., Ltd., Ananti Club Seoul Co., Ltd., Ananti Halla Co., Ltd., Ananti Gangnam Co., Ltd., Village de Ananti PFV Co., Ltd., and Joongang Tourism Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter collectively “Ananti”) are subject to the privacy policy. In order to protect the rights and freedoms of data subjects, Ananti processes and manages personal information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act and related laws. Accordingly, the following personal information processing policy has been established and disclosed to guide data subjects on the procedures and standards for personal information processing and promptly and effectively handle related complaints in accordance with Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

Article 1 (General Provisions)

(1) Ananti discloses its personal information processing policy on its website to ensure that data subjects can easily access and review it.
(2) This policy may be revised at any time in response to changes in government guidelines or modifications to Ananti’s policies.
(3) If this policy is revised in accordance with Paragraph (2), the revised policy shall be announced on this website. Data subjects shall regularly check the site to protect their valuable personal information.

Article 2 (Purpose of Collection, Collection Items, Retention and Period of Personal Information)

(1) Personal information may be processed without the consent of the data subject in unavoidable cases, such as compliance with legal regulations and statutory obligations, or the execution of a contract with the data subject.
(2) Ananti processes personal information with the consent of the data subject as follows, and the data subject may withdraw consent at any time.
(3) If the data subject is a child under the age of 14, the minimum amount of personal information necessary to perform the service shall be collected with the consent of the legal representative.
* Required items: (Legal representative’s) Name, relationship, contact information

Division Processing items Purpose of processing Retention period
Required items Photo, name (Korean/English), address, email, date of birth, gender, mobile phone number, relationship with holder, facility use record, return account, and depositor Identity verification, membership contract and obligation processing, member registration and membership change (extension/cancelation, etc.) processing, member complaint handling and notice information provision, and facility reservation/inquiry/use services provision Five years after membership withdrawal
Optional items Name (Korean/English), address, email, date of birth, gender, and mobile phone number Distributing gifts and prizes, providing notice information,
and delivering marketing information (events and promotions)
Optional items (When designating a corporate person in charge, information on the person in charge)
Name, mobile phone number, corporate extension number, fax number, department, and position
Facility reservation/inquiry/use services provision Until membership withdrawal
Member recommendation
(membership registration)
Required items (Recommender information)
Name, contact information, membership information, membership number, relationship with the recommended person, and address
Confirmation of recommended person information and gift delivery Five years after membership withdrawal
Required items (Recommended person information)
Name, contact information, membership history, desired membership, and inclination information
Membership registration information provision
Ananti online
room reservation
Required items ID, password, name (Korean/English), address, email, date of birth, gender, mobile phone number, and vehicle number Membership registration, identity verification, identification/authentication according to membership service provision, room and facility reservation/inquiry/use service provision, member complaint handling, and notice information provision Until membership withdrawal
Optional items Name (Korean/English), address, email, date of birth, gender, and mobile phone number Until membership withdrawal
Online nonmember
Room reservations
Required items Name (Korean/English), email, reservation information (duration of stay, room type, number of people, hotel name, room rate), gender, contact information, check-in/checkout time, and payment information (card type, card number, expiration date, and account information) Room and facility reservation/inquiry/cancelation, room rate payment/cancelation/guarantee, facility use service provision, reservation inquiry, member complaint handling, and notice information provision Five years after stay
Optional items Name (Korean/English), email, contact information, gender, vehicle number, and service requests Provision of facility use services, marketing information (events and promotions, etc.) provision
Eternal Journey
online product
Required items ID, password, name (Korean/English), email, date of birth, gender, and mobile phone number Membership registration, identity verification, member complaint handling, and notice information provision Until membership withdrawal
Required items Name, mobile phone number, email, delivery address, card company name, card number, depositor name, account number, depositor, bank name, connecting information (CI), order number, and device information (unique device identification, OS version) Product purchase, payment, product delivery, refund processing, and complaint handling Five years after withdrawal or order
Eternal Journey
online store
Required items Company name, business registration number, password, business type, industry type, representative name, head office address, logistics address, account number, contact information, email, and mail order business report number Provision of store services and notice information, receipt of settlement payment Five years after contract termination
online inquiry
Required items Name, contact information, and email Customer Q&A and service improvement Five years after completion of consultation
Chat support Optional items Name, contact information, and email Membership enrollment consultation, provision of information on new products and marketing promotions Five years after completion of consultation
registration card
Required items Name, contact information, date of birth, and nationality Provision of facility use services such as hotels and resorts, personal identification procedures for reservations and payments, management of customer complaints, and handling of civil complaints One year after stay
Optional items Name, contact information, nationality, and email Provision of marketing information and sending of advertisements,
including developing new services, providing customized services, and promoting events

※ However, regardless of the retention period specified for each type of collected information above, if the obligations of relevant laws are fulfilled or if investigations or inquiries into are in progress, the data may be retained until the investigation or legal process is concluded.
※ Personal information items may be automatically created and collected during the use of Internet services.
(e.g., IP address, cookies, MAC address, service usage records, visit records, and records of misuse)

Article 3 (Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties)

(1) Ananti processes the personal information of the data subject only within the scope specified for the purpose of processing and provides personal information to third parties only with the data subject’s consent or as required by special provisions of related laws.
(2) Ananti shall obtain the data subject’s consent and may share collected information with collecting entities as follows.

Information provision and sharing Purpose of use Personal information provided Retention and use period
Ananti Co., Ltd.
Ananti Cove Co., Ltd.
Ananti Club Seoul Co., Ltd.
Ananti Halla Co., Ltd.
Ananti Gangnam Co., Ltd.
Village de Ananti PFV Co., Ltd.
Joongang Tourism Development Co., Ltd.
Provision of Ananti integrated services (integrated reservation service, including rooms), provision of products and services provided by the Company and group companies, events promotion, etc. and customer information analysis and service development for marketing Name (Korean, English), address, date of birth, gender, email, mobile phone number, and Ananti membership number Five years after membership withdrawal

(3) Ananti obtains the consent of the data subject and provides the collected information as follows.

Recipient Purpose of use Personal information provided Retention and use period
Sejong Emerson Co., Ltd. Affiliated company member benefits and discount applications Name, address, date of birth, gender, email, mobile phone number, and membership number From the date of consent for collection and use until the end of member discount benefits or membership withdrawal
Eternal Journey store
[List of stores]
Provision of purchased products and services, fulfillment of contracts, and handling of customer consultations, complaints, and civil affairs Name, mobile phone number, email, address, and (if the buyer and recipient are different) recipient information, including name, address, mobile phone number, and phone number Five years after contract termination

(4) Ananti provides collected information in accordance with the relevant law as follows.

Information provision and sharing Purpose of use Personal information provided Related laws
Resort Condominium Business Association of Korea Issuance of membership card Name of holder, resident registration number, address, membership number, enrollment date, and withdrawal date Tourism Promotion Act
Korea Golf Course Business Association Issuance of membership card Name, date of birth, membership number, enrollment date, membership type, transfer date, and initial enrollment date Installation and Utilization of Sports Facilities Act
National Tax Service Other sales reports Name, resident registration number, address, email address, transaction details, transaction date, and transaction amount Framework Act on National Taxes
Submission of name change statement Name, resident registration number, address, acquisition price, acquisition date, transaction price, transaction date, and membership number Inheritance Tax and Gift Tax Act
Local government with jurisdiction Real estate transaction report Name, resident registration number, address, contact information, acquired item information, acquisition amount, and acquisition date Act on Report on Real Estate Transactions

(4) In accordance with the personal information processing and protection guidelines during emergencies that were jointly issued by relevant government agencies, Ananti may provide personal information to relevant organizations without the consent of the data subject during emergencies, such as disasters, infectious disease outbreaks, or incidents and accidents that pose immediate risks to life, health, or property.

* 자세한 사항은 *HereClick here

Article 4 (Standards for Additional Use and Provision)

(1) In accordance with Article 15 (3) and Article 17 (4) of the Personal Information Protection Act, Ananti may use and provide personal information additionally without the consent of the data subject, considering the provisions outlined in Article 14-2 of the Enforcement Decree of the Personal Information Protection Act.
(2) Ananti shall consider the following matters when providing additional use and provision without the consent of the data subject.
A. Whether the purpose is to enhance service quality for data subjects or achieve equivalent positive outcomes
※ In particular, this includes realizing and providing the value of initial integrated benefits, such as offering additional platform usage rights.
B. Whether the purpose of additional use and provision of personal information aligns with the original purpose of collection
C. Whether the additional use and provision of personal information are foreseeable based on the circumstances under which the information was collected or processing practices
D. Whether the additional use and provision of personal information unfairly infringes on the interests of the data subject
E. Whether necessary measures, such as pseudonymization or encryption, have been taken to ensure the safety of personal information
(3) If personal information is used or provided additionally pursuant to Paragraph (1), it shall be included in the consent section of Article 3 (Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties) and notified accordingly.

Article 5 (Consignment of Personal Information Processing)

(1) Ananti shall entrust the processing of personal information to third parties, as detailed below, to provide more efficient and improved services.

Trustee Consignment work details
NHN KCP Co., Ltd. Identification (Real name authentication, mobile phone authentication, duplicate subscription confirmation information, etc.)
Payment processing (Credit card, bank deposit, bank transfer, etc.)
Invito Co., Ltd. Sending SMS and MMS messages and providing notification services
Narae Internet Co., Ltd. Opt-out of receiving customer SMS
Narae-info Systems Co., Ltd. Server and database maintenance
Ha Dong-seong Judicial Scrivener Office Actual membership transaction reporting and ownership transfer registration services
Jang Jong-soon Judicial Scrivener Office Actual membership transaction reporting and ownership transfer registration services
Hongin Judicial Scrivener Firm Actual membership transaction reporting and ownership transfer registration services
KISSsoft Co., Ltd. APP management and push notification system maintenance
TeamFresh Co., Ltd. Third-party agency logistics service (cold chain)
Jangmi Logistics Third-party agency logistics service
goodsFLOW Delivery item location verification and return collection services

(2) When concluding a consignment contract, in accordance with Article 26 of the Personal Information Protection Act, Ananti shall specify in the contract documents the following: prohibition of processing personal information for purposes other than those necessary for performing the consignment work; technical and administrative protection measures; restrictions on subcontracting; management and supervision of the trustee; and matters related to responsibilities, including damage compensation. Ananti shall also oversee the trustee to ensure that personal information is handled securely.
(3) If there are any changes to the details of the consignment work or the trustee, such changes shall be announced in this policy.

Article 6 (Destruction of Personal Information)

(1) Ananti shall destroy personal information without delay when it is no longer necessary, such as when the retention period has expired or the purpose of processing has been achieved.
(2) If personal information must be retained because of legal requirements, despite the expiration of the retention period consented to by the data subject or the completion of its processing purpose, it shall be transferred to a separate database (DB) or storage location.
(3) The procedures and methods for destroying personal information are as follows.

1. Destruction procedure
Ananti shall identify the personal information that needs to be destroyed and destroy the personal information upon approval of Ananti’s personal information protection manager.
2. Destruction method
Ananti shall ensure that personal information recorded or stored in electronic file format is destroyed in a manner that renders the records irrecoverable. Personal information recorded or stored in paper documents shall be destroyed through shredding or incineration.

Article 7 (Matters Regarding Installation, Operation, and Refusal of Automatic Personal Information Collection Devices)

(1) The Company shall use cookies to store and periodically retrieve usage information in order to provide individualized services to users.
(2) Cookies are small pieces of information sent from the server (HTTP) used to operate the website to the user’s computer browser and are sometimes stored on the user’s hard drive.
A. Purpose of use of cookies: Cookies are used to deliver optimized information to users by tracking visitation and usage patterns, identifying popular search terms and secure access, etc. for each service and website visited by the user.
B. Installation, operation, and refusal of cookies: Users may refuse the storage of cookies by adjusting the settings in their web browser under Tools > Internet Options > Privacy.
C. If cookies are refused, users may experience difficulties in using customized services.

Article 8 (Rights, Obligations, and Methods of Exercise of Data Subjects and Legal Representatives)

(1) Data subjects may exercise their rights to view, correct, delete, or suspend the processing of their personal information at any time against Ananti.
(2) The exercise of rights under Paragraph (1) may be conducted against Ananti through writing, email, fax, or other means, as specified in Article 41 (1) of the Enforcement Decree of the Personal Information Protection Act, and Ananti shall take action without delay.
(3) The exercise of rights under Paragraph (1) may be conducted through an agent, such as the data subject’s legal representative or an authorized individual. In such cases, a power of attorney in the format of Appendix 11 of the Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Protection Act shall be submitted.
(4) Requests to view and suspend the processing of personal information may be restricted in accordance with Article 35 (5) and Article 37 (2) of the Personal Information Protection Act, which may limit the data subject’s rights.
(5) Requests for the correction or deletion of personal information may be denied if the personal information is specified as a collection target in other laws and regulations.
(6) Ananti shall verify whether the individual making the request, in accordance with the data subject’s rights for viewing, correction, deletion, or suspension of processing, is the data subject themselves or a legitimate agent authorized by the data subject.

Article 9 (Measures to Ensure the Safety of Personal Information)

Ananti shall take the following measures to ensure the safety of personal information.
1. Management measures: Establishment and implementation of an internal management plan; regular inspection of policy changes, including related laws; operation of a dedicated organization; and regular employee training
2. Technical measures: Management of access rights to personal information processing systems; installation of access control systems; encryption of unique identification information, etc.; and installation of security programs
3. Physical measures: Control of access to computer rooms, data storage rooms, etc.

Article 10 (Personal Information Protection Manager and Department for Receiving Requests for Viewing Personal Information)

아Ananti shall be responsible for personal information processing and shall designate a Personal Information Protection Manager and Personal Information Protection Officer to handle complaints related to personal information processing and provide damage relief to data subjects. Requests to view personal information, in accordance with Article 35 of the Personal Information Protection Act, may be directed to the following individuals.

Personal Information Protection Manager Personal Information Protection Officer Request to view personal information
Butler Team Manager Lee Gyeong-tak Butler Team Associate Manager Oh Ik-seon Butler Team
I.M. Team Master Noh Si-hyun I.M. Team Associate Manager Kang Young-hoon T. +82-2-6742-1663

Article 11 (Methods for Relief from Rights Infringement)

(1) To seek relief from personal information infringement, the data subject may apply for dispute resolution or consultation with the Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee, the Korea Internet & Security Agency’s Personal Information Infringement Report Center, etc. For other reports and consultations on personal information infringement, please contact the organizations listed below.
1. Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee: (without area code) 1833-6972 (www.kopico.go.kr)
2. Personal Information Infringement Report Center: (without area code) 118 (privacy.kisa.or.kr)
3. Supreme Prosecutors’ Office: (without area code) 1301 (www.spo.go.kr)
4. National Police Agency: (without area code) 182 (ecrm.cyber.go.kr)
(2) A person whose rights or interests have been infringed upon due to a disposition or omission made by the head of a public institution in response to requests pursuant to the provisions of Articles 35 (Access to Personal Information), 36 (Correction or Erasure of Personal Information), and 37 (Suspension of Processing of Personal Information) of the Personal Information Protection Act may request an administrative trial in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Appeals Act.
▶ Central Administrative Appeals Commission: (without area code) 110 (www.simpan.go.kr)

Article 12 (Changes to Personal Information Processing Policy)

This privacy policy is effective from July 15, 2024.

[Main changes]



  Personal information processing policy

Scope of regulations by Company (Ananti)



 Ananti Privacy Policy

In addition to Ananti Co., Ltd., Ananti Cove Co., Ltd., Ananti Club Seoul Co., Ltd., Ananti Halla Co., Ltd., Ananti Gangnam Co., Ltd., Village de Ananti PFV Co., Ltd., and Joongang Tourism Development Co., Ltd.  (hereinafter collectively “Ananti”) are subject to the privacy policy...

(Omitted below)

  * Village de Ananti is not included according to Ananti’s purchase plan. -> Included in advance, scheduled to be deleted later  

  * Corporation added due to website integration of Joongang

  2. Changes to personal information collection details



  Ananti membership







Article 2 (Purpose of Collection, Collection Items, Retention and Period of Personal Information)

    (Omitted below)


Processing items

Purpose of processing

Retention period

Ananti membership



Required items

Photo, name(Korean/English), address, email, date of birth, gender, mobile phone number,, relationship with holder, facility use record, return account, and depositor

Identity verification, membership contract and obligation processing, member registration and membership change(extension/cancelation, etc.)processing, member complaint handling and notice information provision, and facility reservation/inquiry//use services provision

Five years after membership withdrawal

Optional items

Name(Korean/English), address, email, date of birth, gender, and mobile phone number

Distributing gifts and prizes, providing notice information, and delivering marketing information(events and promotions

Optional items

(When designating a corporate person in charge, information on the person in charge)

Name, mobile phone number,, corporate extension number, fax number, department, and position

Facility reservation/inquiry/use services provision

Until membership withdrawal


 *Among the collection purposes, some changes were made to “Ananti membership” processing items.

 3. Changes of third-party entities involved in  

sharing of personal information



Article 3 (Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties)
(1) Ananti processes the personal information of the data subject only withinthe scope specified for the purpose of processing  and provides personal information to third parties only with the data subject’s consent or as required by special provisions of related laws.
(2) Ananti shall obtain the data subject’s consent and may share collected information with collecting entities as follows.

Information provision and sharing

Purpose of use

Personal information provided

Retention and use period

Ananti Co., Ltd.

Ananti Cove Co., Ltd.

Ananti Club Seoul Co., Ltd.

Ananti Halla Co., Ltd.

Ananti GangnamCo., Ltd.

Village de Ananti PFV Co., Ltd.

Joongang Tourism DevelopmentCo., Ltd.

Provision of Ananti integrated services (integrated reservation service, including rooms), provision of products and services provided by the Company and group companies, events promotion, etc. and customer information analysis and service development for marketing

Name (Korean, English), address, date of birth, gender, email, mobile phone number, and Ananti membership number

Five years after membership withdrawal

 (3) Ananti obtains the consent of the data subject and provides the collected information as follows.


Purpose of use

Personal information provided

Retention and use period

 Joongang Tourism Development Co., Ltd. 

Sejong Emerson Co., Ltd.

Affiliated company member benefits and discount applications

Name, address, date of birth, gender, email, mobile phone number, and membership number

From the date of consent for collection and use until the end of member discount benefits or membership withdrawal

Eternal Journey store

[Store List]

Provision of purchased products and services, fulfillment of contracts, and handling of customer consultations, complaints, and civil affairs

Name, mobile phone number, email, address, and (if the buyer and recipient are different) recipient information, including name, address, mobile phone number, and phone number

Five years after contract termination


(4) Ananti provides information collected in accordance with the following laws.

Information provision and sharing

Purpose of use

Personal information provided

Related laws

Resort Condominium Business

Association of Korea

Issuance of membership card

Name of holder, resident registration number, address, membership number, enrollment date, and withdrawal date

Tourism Promotion Act

Korea Golf Course Business Association

Issuance of membership card

Name, date of birth, membership number, enrollment date, membership type, transfer date, and initial enrollment date

Installation and Utilization of Sports Facilities Act

National Tax Service

Other sales reports

Name, resident registration number, address, email address, transaction details, transaction date, and transaction amount

Framework Act on National Taxes

Submission of name change statement

Name, resident registration number, address, acquisition price, acquisition date, transaction price, transaction date, and membership number

Inheritance Tax and Gift Tax Act

Local government with jurisdiction

Real estate  transaction report

Name, resident registration number, address, contact information, acquired item information, acquisition amount, and acquisition date

Act on Report on Real Estate Transactions

 * Correction for third-party entities involved in the mutual sharing of personal information with consent