
The convenience of cart service
Wherever within 3km radius

“Will there be a parking lot at the restaurant we are going to?”
“Wouldn’t it be better to take a taxi since it looks like there will be a lot of traffic?”
“Should I call for a taxi at the hotel lobby?”

To alleviate all inconveniences of moving around,
we will accompany you to your destination with ANANTI private vehicle.

Without having to wait for other passengers,
enjoy a private drive by choosing the time of service by team per party.

* Cart service is provided only in Korean.


How to use

① On the check-in day, access the Ananti APP and tap on the [Cart Service] button from the + button.
② Select the date and time of service you want from Today/Tomorrow.
③ Enter the destination within 3km radius of Ananti at Gangnam.
④ Enter the mobile phone number you would like to be reached at when the vehicle arrives.
⑤ Check the schedule, destination, and vehicle information of your reservation.

For smooth operation of service, please adhere to the boarding time of your reserved vehicle.

Operation Guide

- Operation hour | 10:00 - 21:00 (Last boarding time 20:30)
- Hours of reservation | Check-in day 11:00 ~ next day 13:00 (reservation possible 15 minutes before use)
- Boarding Location | LF drop zone, Ananti at Gangnam.
- Only available within 3km radius of Ananti at Gangnam.
- Only available for one-way use from Ananti at Gangnam.